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In this class, we won't be making the normal pendulums you see everywhere. Ours will be one of a kind and so pretty. Since you are making it for yourself, you will be able to connect to it easier. I provide everything you need unless you want to bring a special bead to add to it.

Once created and finished, I will go over Cleansing, connecting, and how to ask questions. I will also show you how to get YOUR yes/no/maybe answers.

This class will be fun and no stress. 

Age 16 + welcome

Make Your Own Pendulum Class

  • If you need to cancel or reschedule, please make sure to give AT THE VERY LEAST, a 24 HOUR NOTICE. If a 24 hour notice is NOTGIVEN and you don't show up, you are considered a no-show and NO REFUND will be given. It is up to the instructor if they are willing to reschedule a class for you.

    Thank you for understanding that our time is important and we are trying to crack down on no-shows.

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